It's called What Mars Brought Home and here's a quick summary:
The year is 2055 and onboard the Hermes IM-950, Integrity 6 - a mission to Mars to document complex lifeforms - is in full swing. Callisto heads a team studying samples being retrieved and Rigel is working to keep the crew healthy. Altair is a member of the team keeping the computer system vital to the Aether Orbital Research Station up and running, where Hermes IM-950 is scheduled to stay for 3 weeks on the return trip. Something is on the space station, leaving very few survivors. The computer system has been broken. With no way to contact Earth, the survivors have to use their wits to survive and tolerate each other. Because, out of every person on this space station it did just have to be them that survived together, didn't it?
Rigel: Rigel was the dietician in charge of tracking body mass changes in astronauts while on the planet. He is known as someone who is loud, brash, and sarcastic. With people often finding it hard to get along with him at first. He has a tattoo on his leg which he insists is a "neuron" despite looking very suspiciously like a flower. Back on Earth he enjoyed running.
Altair: Altair is in charge of keeping the quantum computer of the Aether Orbital Research station in tip-top shape, as even the smallest of changes can cause malfunctions. He is known for being grumpy, unapproachable, and doesn't like being bossed around. He's rarely found not working- often appearing anxious in those rare moments, and his favorite drink is coffee.
Callisto: Callisto was head of the team responsible for analyzing samples collected from the Mars surface looking for signs of life while on the planet. He is known for his tendency to fall into leadership roles quite easily, and is often avoided on the basis that he is "bossy". He conisiders himself to be a perfectionist and takes pride in his position. He wears amber tinted glasses, insisting that the lenses are "better for his eyes."
There's other characters as well! But thesse three are the ones I have most developed and weaved into the storyline thus far, the others still being heavily works in progress. I'll add them here sometime when they're more developed and I know what I'm doing with them.
Call me Bamblz! I'm a disabled, autistic, queer adult and have been drawing digitally for the past 8 years. You can find other places with more information in "links".